Both/And Parenting.hands in heart.fotolia.giftIn our blogs we focus on the essential need for a Both/And attitude in adoptive families. Both birth and adoptive parents. Both nature and nurture. Each has positives to offer. Each is a permanent and core part of the child. We believe everyone benefits from this inclusive approach which releases our children from the lose/lose expectation that they must be loyal only to us.

When we operate with a both/and presupposition, we free our children from the burden of an untenable choice: care about those who gave them life or care about those who raise them day to day.

We can also embrace a both/and paradigm in other areas of our parenting to help nurture family harmony. Consider the issue of low level conflict. How might parents propose an approach that allows both themselves and their children to feel heard?

Here’s an example. Dad wants the lawn mowed–now. Teen wants to sleep in. What if they frame an agreement that lets the child rack up the extra zzzs as long as the lawn gets mowed by 6:00 p.m. (or other mutually agreed upon time of completion)? Instead of a battle royale, this could be a win/win situation. Both can get their goal accomplished and both can feel like they’ve “won.”

Both/And Parenting.Fotolia.GIFT.Asian dad son.lectureConsider how often we engage in power struggles with kids because we want what we want, when we want and HOW we want. Emotions escalate. Parent and child each dig in their heels. Frequently the issue being debated is fairly trivial on the surface. The real point is control. Parents don’t want to lose it and kids want as much self-determination as possible. Both lose in this struggle since the relationship is threatened and no real control truly exist.

Let’s face it, none of us like to be told “No.” The world of a child overflows with refusals, postponements and “Not on your lifes.” To whatever extent possible, allow children choice. Avoid phrases like “Would you like to…” if “No!” is not an option. Deliberately create opportunities for children to practice decision-making. When they are little, it is easy to offer them two or three options–the red pajamas or the blue, orange juice, water or milk, bath or shower–any of which are acceptable. Get in the habit of offering these simple choices.

Be certain that you make a clear distinction between an option and an instruction. If there is not really a choice to be made but rather an instruction to be followed, don’t play “Russian Roulette” hoping they’ll choose the only option acceptable to you. That is not a genuine choice. This kind of deck-stacking damages a relationship. When the child chooses the “wrong” choice (the one included as a sham option but which the parent is unwilling to accept,) they will be angry when the parent breaks his word and overrides the child’s choice. The phoniness of the transaction blindsides the child. The big lesson they learn is that the parent’s word cannot be trusted. That is definitely not the message parents want to broadcast.

Both/And Parenting.healthy decisionsAs kids get older allowing kids to make choices becomes a bit more challenging. The stakes increase and so does the learning. The only way to become skilled at making good decisions, anticipating consequences and avoiding poor outcomes is by making decisions, living with the results and learning from the process. It is far better to have kids learn the difference between a “good” and a “poor” decision when the life cost is trivial: a failing grade versus a juvenile court record; an ugly outfit versus a hideous –and inappropriate tattoo; an unsatisfying friendship versus an abusive one.

Failure teaches many lessons; it takes tremendous courage to keep trying. Parents must help kids–and themselves–to focus on learning from the decision not on the expectation that every decision/attempt will satisfy or succeed on the first go around. Be there when your child fails, not with “I told you so” but with curiosity as to how it can be done differently.

Both/And Parenting..healthy decisions.child chooses book

How are you creating opportunities for your children to practice good decision-making?

What are you modeling about your own processes, attitudes, persistence and learning from failure?

Where are you most challenged in allowing your children the chance to self-manages and make decisions.

How careful are you to distinguish between options and requirements?



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