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If your 20222 parenting dream comes true, are you ready?It’s January. Perhaps you are considering a word or theme to use as inspiration for the year. But, instead of focusing on a catchy phrase, compelling image, or a list of resolutions, consider this question:
If Your Parenting Dream Comes True, Are You Ready?
Let me repeat, if your dream of becoming a parent became true tomorrow, are you ready? Being a parent is one of the most important tasks you can undertake. Have you done the work to prepare yourself? Have you any idea what you need to know? Dreams remain mere fantasies unless we work to bring them to life. Have you prepared mentally, financially, physically, and spiritually?
Your parenting journey will be very different from that of your own parents. Your family will face a different world, with different challenges. You will need new skills and strategies. Careful planning, persistent effort, and intention must blend into an undefeatable force to make your parenting dream a reality. (Although truth requires me to acknowledge that sometimes luck and circumstance are also essential ingredients.)

What is your parenting dream? Do you want to discern if parenting via adoption is a good choice for you? Are you in the process of adopting and want to use the waiting time to help prepare yourself to be the parent your child needs you to be? Are you an adoptive parent who is experiencing the joys and challenges of parenting and is searching for skills, strategies, and additional knowledge?

Regardless of where you sit in this range of situations, you can approach your dream goal with intentionality. Consider working with a coach who can help you identify your competencies and your learning opportunities. They can expose your blind spots and help you nurture your openness and distinguish between fact and assumption. You may be surprised how rewarding it can be to work toward your goal with a supportive person, a coach by your side. New ideas, new ways of looking at your life and your goal can bring you closer to your dream

We all know that being an adoptive parent is a sacred responsibility. There is a hard truth about adoption that might make us uncomfortable. Just as surely as it builds a family, adoption begins with the fracture of one. The separation from their birth mother and biological family is a profound loss for adopted children. Their grief and the ramifications of their separation are not simple, trivial, or events and feelings that stay firmly in the past. Children will rely on their adopted parents to understand this hard reality and to be fully prepared to help them navigate this loss for a lifetime.

How are you preparing and educating yourself for your dream to come true? Like the climbers who ascend Everest or the athletes who compete in the Olympics, working with a coach can smooth the path. A coach helps you navigate these unfamiliar routes with confidence, determination, and a foundation of sound education and preparation. Imagine partnering with a coach who will serve you as a sounding board, cheerleader, and mentor. She will hold your focus on your dream and help you discern what it will take to fulfill it.

If you are interested in a handy coaching tool to get you started on making your parenting dream a reality, review and download the WELL FORMED OUTCOME worksheet.


The coaches of Growing Intentional Families Together wish you all the best in the new year!




Learn how the coaches at GIFT Family Services can help you and your family navigate your adoption journey. We’ve faced our share of family challenges and crises, ridden the metaphorical rollercoaster, and our families have not only survived; they have thrived. We offer experience, neutrality, and understanding. GIFT coaches are available to present workshops online. Contact us : 1-800-653-9445


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