What Makes Adoption Success?
You have decided to adopt and want to ensure that you succeed. Questions flood your mind and you wonder where to find reliable answers.
We have designed some Mini-courses just for you.

Approaching adoption can seem overwhelming. When things are hard and feel complex, it can leave us in the vortex of procrastination.
Others of us may come to adoption with faith, hope, and love. These emotions can feel comforting and may even soothe the worries that keep you up at night as you envision your future.
But, your questions remain and you still need answers.
Many of us turn to the internet for answers because it is accessible and it is so easy to Google to find answers appearing instantly. The sheer number of options is stunning. How do you discern what is accurate and reliable?
Some of us may also turn to friends, family, or the community. Their recommendations may be well-meaning, but how reliable are their ideas?
Our coaches have lived through the adoption experience as adoptees, adoptive parents, and birth mothers. The training courses offered consider all parties within the Adoption Triad.
Growing Intentional Families Together has compiled courses to provide insight to help prospective and current adoptive families.
These individual courses will provide proven answers and insight into your questions. Courses vary in length: some include several modules, others contain only a few, and others have only one module. So there is something for everybody to help you get well prepared and well educated!
How and Why the 7 Core Issues of Adoption Matter
26 minutes
When you look at all the information out there about adding a child to your family through adoption, you may be asking yourself, “This all looks great, so what are they not telling me?” This is one of the most important questions to answer for you to get a complete picture of what it’s like to adopt a child. There are certain complexities to adoption that all prospective parents need to know. In this module, we cover common, yet often unspoken, complexities:
Adoption Attuned Parenting
56 minutes
This course will help you to become the skilled parent your adopted child NEEDS you to be. Adoption Attunement (AQ) is based on adoption research and the latest professional understanding of adoption coupled with our lived experiences and the challenges of being part of adoptive families ourselves. Understanding AQ will help you to build happier, healthier families.
Journal for Adoption Attunement
In this Digging Deeper Journal, you will use the Adoption Attunement (AQ) Elements to organize your thoughts and structure your responses to develop a child-centric focus, recognize the 7 Core Issues in Adoption, understand the attachment process, use respectful language, and much more. Thought-provoking questions will help you acquire and progress through the adoption process.
Three Parts
Preparing to Parent an Adopted Child (Three Parts)
75 minutes
part one
Get Ready and Prepare with Intention
This course informs adoptive parents on the latest research and critical elements of adoption. Growing Intentional Families Together certified coaches include all aspects of the adoption triad, and we bring our personal experiences. You will come away with answers to those questions that are floating around in your dreams of adoption. You will gain practical strategies for adoptive parenting success. Use your waiting time to begin essential preparation and education on the unique aspects of adoptive parenting.
part two
Welcoming Your Child Home
Our first-hand experience, certified coaching, and research have helped us understand what it feels like to welcome a child into your home and which practical steps are essential once you bring your adopted child home. Learn how to intentionally concentrate on becoming acquainted and growing the trust and security that will connect you as a family. This module offers practical strategies for smoothing your child’s transition to your family. We also discuss the impact of relinquishment and help you develop a child-centric approach to your adoption.
part three
The First Year: Building a Strong Foundation
Our first-hand experience, certified coaching, and research have helped us understand what it feels like to welcome a child into your home and which steps are essential once you bring your adopted child home. This course helps you to intentionally concentrate on becoming acquainted and growing the trust and security that will connect you as a family. This module offers practical strategies for smoothing your child’s transition to your family. We also discuss the impact of relinquishment and help you develop a child-centric approach to your adoption.
How Adoptees Experience Grief
38 minutes
Everyone feels sad at some point in their life. For a person who has been adopted, this sadness is unique because adoption begins with loss — the loss of a child’s first family. The magnitude of this loss means that an adoptee’s grief can be nuanced and complex. The adoptee might struggle with how to live with and move through the grief and the adoptive parent may feel at a loss for ways to help.
In this course, you will learn:
How an adoptee experiences grief and how their grief is impacted by and intersects with the grief of the first mother and the adoptive parents
Ways that an adoptee might express their grief from birth and beyond and ways that parents can help their children through their grief
Get them all!
Mini-Course Bundle
26 minutes
How and Why the 7 Core Issues of Adoption Matter
56 minutes
Adoption Attuned Parenting
75 minutes
Preparing to Parent an Adopted Child (Three Parts)
38 minutes
How Adoptees Experience Grief
Meet the Professional
Coaches for These Courses
Sally Ankerfelt
- Growing Intentional Families Together, LLC, Founding Member
Co-founder, GIFT Family Services, LLC - Founder and Owner, Renew Family Coaching
- Adoptive Parent, Adoption Coach and Consultant
Sharon Butler-Obazee
- Growing Intentional Families Together, LLC, Founding Member
- Founder and Owner, Coaching to Impact
- Adoptee, Adoption Coach and Consultant
Susan David
- Growing Intentional Families Together, LLC, Founding Member
- Co-founder, GIFT Family Services, LLC
- Owner and Founder, Select Destiny Coaching
- Adoptive Parent, Adoption Coach and Consultant
Gayle Swift
- Growing Intentional Families Together, LLC, Founding Member
- Co-founder, GIFT Family Services, LLC
- President, Coaching Pathways
- Adoptive Parent, Adoption Coach and Consultant, Author
Kim Noeth
- Growing Intentional Families Together, LLC, Founding Member
- Founder, Birth Mom Today
- Birth Parent, Adoption Coach and Consultant

Our adoption coaching company gives you the view from three angles: the adoptee’s, the birth parent’s, and the adoptive parent’s. We believe that a fuller perspective yields even better results, increased happiness, and healthier adoptive families.
Not sure which course is right for you?
We can help. Contact us, we are happy to answer any questions you might have.