Kim Noeth

Kim Noeth is a dedicated Adoption Attunement Coach, Certified Grief Recovery Coach, and Founder of Birth Moms Today, committed to helping individuals navigate the adoption journey with fresh perspectives and unwavering support. Kim believes in your authority over your life and aims to empower and guide you through adoption’s complexities, fostering healing, understanding, and empowerment along the way.

Kim Noeth


Kim Noeth is a dedicated Adoption Attunement Coach on a mission to bring about transformative change by exploring the vast possibilities that the adoption experience offers. Kim’s approach offers a fresh perspective, embracing every facet of this journey, regardless of whether it’s smooth sailing or filled with formidable challenges.

Kim firmly believes that you are the ultimate authority in your own life, and her role is to stand by your side as you navigate the intricate landscape of adoption. With her adoption sensitivity and a keen eye for subtle nuances that might escape notice, Kim is here to provide unwavering support for your unique path.

In addition to her role as an Adoption Attunement Coach, Kim is a Certified Grief Recovery Coach. She specializes in helping individuals heal from the profound emotional wounds often associated with adoption. Kim understands the depth of grief and loss that can accompany this journey and is committed to guiding you through the healing process with compassion and expertise.

As the Founder and CEO of Birth Moms Today, Kim has established a nurturing community specifically designed for birth mothers. Here, you’ll find valuable resources, empathetic understanding, and meaningful connections during your adoption journey. Kim’s dedication to ensuring that everyone involved in the adoption process has a safe space to find solace and strength is the cornerstone of this organization.

Moreover, Kim serves as an Adoption Profile Consultant, assisting prospective adoptive parents in creating profiles that authentically reflect their stories and aspirations. Her expertise in this area helps families like yours connect with birth parents and navigate the intricate adoption process with empathy and authenticity.

In every role she undertakes, Kim’s primary goal is to empower and guide you towards a deeper understanding of your adoption experience. Together, you’ll explore the full spectrum of possibilities and emotions, discovering resilience, healing, and empowerment in your unique adoption journey. Kim looks forward to accompanying you on this remarkable path of self-discovery and transformation.

Professional Development and Education

  • Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialist/The Grief Recovery Institute
  • The Art of Coaching/Transformation Coaching
  • Coach Training Alliance/ Life Coach
  • 2018 Florida Adoption Conference/The Grief and Joy of the Adoption Experience
  • 2021 National Adoption Conference Speaker/Post Adoption Support
  • September 2021 Coalition of Adoptive Families (COFAF) /“Behind the Curtain – the Impact of Adoption on Adoptees and Birth Parents”/live-stream webinar presentation
  • 2023 Caring Adoptions/What Is an Open Adoption Adoption?


Testimonials About Kim

“For the first time in my life, someone understood what I have been through. Kim never judged me and she helped me work through some stuff that I haven’t been able to tell anyone about. After our first session I had more insights than I did during all the years I went for therapy.”-Suzanne

“I am truly a different person as a result of working with Kim Noeth. I think differently now about so many things and that alone has changed my life incredibly. My husband said he is so grateful for the ways that I now relate to him. I want to keep growing and learning with her.”-Anita

“Kim helped me realize just how much I hadn’t fully grieved (and how much I truly didn’t want to). In all my conversations with her, she helped me acknowledge and process the pieces of my work and relationships that felt unfulfilling or incredibly difficult to handle on my own. Her warmth, love, graciousness, and care only enhanced my conversations with her and made talking about the challenging/edgier aspects of my world easier to discuss. Kim’s questions, insights, and compassion helped me work through some of the hardest months of my life, and I am so appreciative of the guidance she provided me. If you have been grieving for some time and/or going through some rough transitions right now personally or professionally and would like to come out on the other side with a sense of clarity, purpose, and peace, I recommend setting up some time to connect with Kim to find out how she might be able to best support you. Kim, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for your help.”Donnie Hill

Kim is a coach that practices the science and art of coaching as a lifestyle. In other words, she understands the dynamics of coaching from the inside/out.  I have watched her take herself on and do whatever is needed to bring about change. She is emotionally intelligent, astute in her listening, insightful and intuitive in her curiosity of what is available to move life forward, relentless in her commitment to what’s possible, and ‘all in’ with respect to her clients.

If you are considering working with a coach, then I wholeheartedly recommend Kim and encourage you to contact her. You will be happy you did. Bottom line.-Dr. Doug Richardson,Founder/Reinvent Coaching , Founder/Awake Coaching