Adoption: Possibility, Parenting, and Coaching

Adoption: Possibility, Parenting, and Coaching

As 2024 debuts, a sense of  possibility fills our thoughts and hearts. Growing Intentional Families Together will continue to create and make a difference with adoptive families. We have  several changes ready to launch, including a reimagined podcast, a series of...
Informed, Adoption Attuned Parenting Is a Gift

Informed, Adoption Attuned Parenting Is a Gift

Gift-giving holds center stage at this time of year for most of us We feel pressure to find the perfect present and simultaneously wrestle with limited time and our need to stay within budget. Unsurprisingly, this increases our stress levels. Remember that when you...
Adoption Matters. Talk about It.

Adoption Matters. Talk about It.

If you are an adoptive parent or if you hope to become one, adoption is likely on your mind frequently. So, when you read the title of this blog, “Adoption Matters. Talk about It” you can easily imagine yourself sharing your joy at being or becoming an adoptive...
Growing Adoption Success

Growing Adoption Success

Adoption success. What does that look like? Success is a concept individually defined and determined, especially in regard to adoption. The definition of adoption success will vary by context and will also evolve over time. Hopeful or prospective adoptive parent If...