Custom Designed Workshops

Growing Intentional Families Together designs and facilitates a variety of workshops. We offer one-hour workshops for families, more in-depth workshop for groups of parents or professionals, and presentations for adoption conferences.
Workshop topics include:
Before and During the Adoption:
- Is Adopting A Child Right for Me?
- Pre-adoption Preparation
- Things You Need to Know Before Starting the Adoption
- Nurture Effective Communication with Your Adoption Social Worker
- The Hidden Dangers of Adoption Myths
- Build Your Adoption Attuned Family Library
Parenting an Adopted Child:
- Learn the Elements of Adoption Attuned Parenting
- How to Move from Empathy to Adoption Attuned Solutions
- The Art of Listening in an Adoptive Family
- Tuning In: Parenting Your Adopted Child
- How to Create Authentic Relationships with Your Child(ren)
- How to Develop a Family Mission Statement
- Build in Family Fun
- The Identity Tapestry of Children with Multiple Families
- Ways to Advocate for Your Child in the School System
- How Adoptees Experience Grief
- Identifying and Living with the Ambiguous Loss of Adoption
Webinars for Special Groups:
- Faith Communities as a Source of Connection
- The How’s and Why’s of Being A Trauma-Informed Congregation
- What Adoptees Need from Families and Faith
- How to Make Youth Groups Responsive to Children with Challenging Behaviors
- Coaching to Empower Adoptive Families
Custom Designed Webinars
Our coaches can develop workshops based on your specific needs. If you are part of an adoptive parents support group, religious organization, or adoption professional, let Growing Intentional Families Together build a custom workshop for you.
Contact us to learn more about our adoption coaching services and workshops or to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced coaches.
“…so thankful that I learned positive steps to get me out of my ‘funks’ and some great techniques to keep me motivated and excited about working towards my long-term goals.” — W.T.