Growing Intentional Families Together Blog
Read our blog to find out the latest on adoption.
Learning through Extracurricular Activities
Learning Happens Outside of School Too. Aug. 16, 2023 Last week’s blog looked at how good habits, healthy routines,...
School Bells Ring Soon. Get Ready! Set Goals.
Parents and students all hope for a good year, one that is filled with learning—both academic and relational—and grows their ability to be in the driver’s seat of their lives. (After all, the point of parenting is to put ourselves out of a job: to raise kids that can succeed on their own.) So, how do we accomplish this vital goal? Operating purely on intuition is not enough.
You need a map
Finding Your Way as a Family
Summer is in full swing. Our kids are out of school and the days are hot, long, and often stormy. How can you find...
Fathers Matter
The importance of fathers is no small thing. It is from their fathers that our sons learn how to be good, loving men of character and courage. Our daughters’ relationships with their dads teach them how to recognize good men as possible partners, colleagues, and friends. When children lack the presence of a loving involved father, it leaves a deficit in their emotional experiences. That absence matters.
Making Family Memories
Bring joy into your family life. Get outdoors! It benefits body & spirit. Create memories. Share simple, fun activities. Do something silly! Grow connection.
Ways Your Family Can Live Easier This Summer
While our coaches are busy creating some exciting new ways to support adoptees, adoptive families, and prospective...
On Mothers and Mothering
Mother’s Day is the defining event of the month. So, for those of us connected by adoption, May is a month fraught with emotions. Social media, television, and advertisements overflow with mentions of Mother’s Day and mothers. However, for us motherhood is steeped in ambiguity. For some, Mother’s Day evokes joy, pride, and pleasure. For others, it awakens grief, heartache, regret, and sometimes, despair.
Find Calm in the Midst of Chaos
Parents and children are feeling the weight of many scary issues. School shootings. Droughts. Floods. Deadly viruses. Extreme political discord, etc. This can discourage even the most positive-minded folks leaving them feeling powerless and overwhelmed. Finding a way to respond with action grounds us and eases hopelessness. Parents can help families find calm in the midst of chaos. Choose action over worry. Practice relationship repair. Model a willingness to learn & risk failure.
Recipe for a Happy Family
As the yeasty scent of homemade bread baking in my oven filled my kitchen the other day, I had a thought. Wouldn’t it...
Perspective on Gift-giving for Adoptive Families
What unique factors complicate the art of gift-giving and its connection to relationship building within the context...