Growing Intentional Families Together Blog

Read our blog to find out the latest on adoption.

Recognition Matters in Adoption

Recognition Matters in Adoption

In adoption, recognition matters! When we recognize the complexity of adoption and when we give recognition to those who raise awareness, encourages and informs families, provides examples of how to address issues that face adoptees and their families. When we recognize people doing outstanding work, it helps support their work, expand their influence. We are pleased to recognize @Isaac Etter as the recipient of the 2024 recipient of the “Shaping the Future Award.”

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Talking About Adoption Matters

Talking About Adoption Matters

Of course, how, with whom, and how often we are talking about adoption matters! In the last few decades, adoption gradually emerged from behind a solid wall of secrecy and a pervasive sense of shame. This is a good thing. As people grew more open to talking about adoption, the tone and content of conversations improved.

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Adoption Matters. Talk about It.

Adoption Matters. Talk about It.

It’s National Adoption Month. You’re ready to do your part to spread awareness about adoption. Before you start posting & talking up adoption, ask yourself what do I not yet know? Does what I currently know form a complete picture? How much do I know about perspectives beyond my own, like that of adoptees and birth parents? Read more…

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Sustaining Regulation and Building Resiliency

Sustaining Regulation and Building Resiliency

Sustaining Regulation and Building Resiliency is one of our main parenting tasks and it is not always easy because  our lives not only unfold in the security of our homes, but also against the backdrop of the world at large. The world feels more unsettled and dysregulated than ever, doesn’t it? Sadly, much of the stress and concern about world events, national politics, and the multiple challenges of daily life can easily overflow into our family lives. Even though our family relationships are our most important, often they feel the brunt of our frustrated, overstressed selves.

Our partners, family members, and co-workers are also buckling under the weight of similar pressures. That’s not a match made in heaven. Just the opposite, it is a pairing that demands our alert selves, our fullest commitment, and our strongest intentionality. Yes, friends and family will generally forgive our snark, inattention, and our blow ups. That is, if they are the exception, not the norm. And if we make the necessary attempts to acknowledge and repair.

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