by Gayle Swift | Jan 13, 2020 | General Discussion
Feeling short of time or finding it difficult to concentrate? You can listen to this blog post. Please forgive the pun. Still, it feels apt to consider how we can develop 2020 vision regarding our parenting. This blog focuses much thought and energy on ways we can...
by Gayle Swift | Dec 10, 2019 | Blogs by Gayle Swift, General Discussion
If you prefer to listen to this blog, click the player that follows. At this time of year, hospitality features prominently. We ponder the message of “No room at the inn.” As adoptive parents, we could assert that we daily live a positive response; we welcomed...
by Gayle Swift | Dec 4, 2019 | General Discussion
Feeling short of time or finding it difficult to concentrate? You can listen to this blog post. Anyone who is intimately familiar with adoption recognizes that it includes a profound experience of both/and: both losing and gaining a family, both heartache and joy,...
by Gayle Swift | Nov 20, 2019 | General Discussion
Feeling short of time or finding it difficult to concentrate? You can listen to this blog post. Nurturing our children’s health is an important parental responsibility. We choose their food with care, ensure that they see the doctor when they’re ill, provide medicines...
by Gayle Swift | Nov 13, 2019 | Adoption-attunement, Adoptive Parenting Skills/Tool, Blogs by Gayle Swift, General Discussion
During this month of promoting awareness of adoption, we adoptive parents have a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in listening, learning and validating what our children tell us about what it is like to be adopted. Listening and loving are inextricably...