by Gayle Swift | Nov 15, 2017 | Blogs by Gayle Swift, General Discussion, Strengthening Family Relationships
Back in April, I blogged about a letter that a now-adult adoptee had penned to her birth mother when she was ten years old. The poignant, heart-breaking note was also an example of a very common mindset of young adoptees in closed adoptions. I received another,...
by Gayle Swift | Oct 4, 2017 | Blogs by Gayle Swift, Difficult Discussions, Faith and Values, General Discussion, Strengthening Family Relationships
Reweaving connection…so much of life depends on our ability to accomplish this. Families built via adoption live this reality in a unique life-redefining way! We understand the effort and importance involved. Whether a relationship breach exists between spouses...
by Gayle Swift | Aug 23, 2017 | Blogs by Gayle Swift, General Discussion, Strengthening Family Relationships
The recent total eclipse captured our national attention and provided a refreshing point of unity for all Americans regardless of their political beliefs. It offered an experience of staggering beauty and reminded us of the fragility of this planet which we all share....
by Gayle Swift | Aug 3, 2017 | Blogs by Gayle Swift, General Discussion, Strengthening Family Relationships
Anyone connected with adoption knows that transitions tend to unsettle adoptees. Some posit that it echoes the primal loss of their being separated from their birth families. Regardless of how they connect to this profound loss, transitions do operate as trigger...
by Gayle Swift | May 17, 2017 | Blogs by Gayle Swift, Family dynamics, Strengthening Family Relationships
After a very lengthy and debilitating illness, my husband died in December. During these difficult eight years, we lived with Intention. We resolved not to allow the future to spoil our present and decided how we wanted to spend his remaining time together. This meant...
by GIFT Coach | Nov 9, 2016 | Blogs by Gayle Swift, Book: Forever Fingerprints, book: In Our Mothers" House, General Discussion, National Adoption Month, Strengthening Family Relationships
November brings to mind Thanksgiving. As adoptive parents we feel deeply grateful for the added blessing of our children. It feels particularly apt to observe National Adoption Month in November. Note, however, that the original (and on-going) mission of National...