“Love Languages,” Adoption, and the Anger Connection

In our recent blog post we discussed The 5 Love Languages of Children, by Chapman & Campbell and learned the benefits of using a child’s primary Love Language because it provides a direct way to connect with them. The 5 Love Languages of Children asserts that once...

Difficult Adoption Topics: Rape, Suicide, Drug Abuse, Prostitution, Incarceration, etc.

In this week’s blog, we continue last week’s exploration of Difficult Conversations in the context of adoption. GIFT—Growing Intentional Families Together—is pleased to include another important voice from the wider adoption community. Beth O’Malley M.Ed. She is...

Testing the Limits of Unconditional Love. Thoughts on “The Tell: A Memoir”

How many times have you said, “Through adoption I’ve learned to love unconditionally”? Have you ever doubted that belief? Has it ever been rocked to the core by challenging circumstances or by the vehement disapproval of your child by a neighbor, teacher or family...

Heather T. Forbes, LCSW: Your Child is Misbehaving, Are You Listening?

GIFT is proud to post this important article which Heather Forbes, LCSW wrote for us. She is renowned for her work through the Beyond Consequences Institute. Through BCI, Heather Forbes advocates a healing, therapeutic response to parenting kids with trauma. She has...