Parenting in the Polar Vortex of Trauma

Adoptive parenting brings complexities that can challenge and defeat the best of us. For families whose children had difficult starts and who must cope with the fallout of trauma, the course is even more arduous. Both parent and child benefit from thoughtful and...

Preparing to Celebrate National Adoption Month

Mention November and most folks think of Thanksgiving. For us here at GIFT—Growing Intentional Families Together—November brings thoughts of National Adoption Month and our gratitude for the blessing of family. Here are some ways to celebrate adoption. National...

Difficult Adoption Topics: Rape, Suicide, Drug Abuse, Prostitution, Incarceration, etc.

In this week’s blog, we continue last week’s exploration of Difficult Conversations in the context of adoption. GIFT—Growing Intentional Families Together—is pleased to include another important voice from the wider adoption community. Beth O’Malley M.Ed. She is...

Adoption Blog Carnival Highlights Several Topics

Welcome to another installment of The Adoption Blog Carnival, a smorgasbord of adoption conversations from several bloggers. Check them all out. Each one has a useful tidbit that you’ll be glad to know. We are please to participate in this group effort to...

To Every Thing There Is a Season

As 2013 draws to a close, it is natural to reflect on the year and to consider the lessons learned, the challenges met, and those that still remain. As you set your intentions for 2014, frame goals for body, mind, and spirit. Make connection a high priority. Carve...